Thursday, November 19, 2020

Photos for last Guadalupe Mts post

As I said I wasn't able to post any pics in my last post due to poor connectivity, so I thought I would post them today. I made it back to The Ranch on Sunday after stopping to do a major grocery shopping to prepare for the 14 day NM stay at home order. NM Covid cases are exploding. I'm staying home and settling in at The Ranch. Its pretty easy to isolate here. Anyway enjoy the photos.

View from the Foothills Trail looking back at Guadalupe Peak

                                                                      Frijoli Ranch House

Outbound on the Smith Spring 
 (You would never know you were in Texas)

                                                                          Smith Spring

Hiking Beyond The Devil's Hall

                                                            My buddy the big Rock Alien



  1. I don't think it looks like an alien, not that I have ever seen an alien to compare your rock to... Thinking more like a petrified giant fox. I heard everything's bigger in Texas!!! Nice to see the pics, thanks! Finished splitting/stacking firewood, was only 15 here this AM! Warmer tomorrow - still have some projects to get done. Forecast for mixed precip this coming week...

  2. I think it looks more like a water buffalo.

    That terrain is awesome. I see some GNP trail runs in my future!

    Glad you made it back to Lakewood safely. I just keep going round and round in my head about why this virus keeps spreading when people know HOW it spreads. GRRRR. In Taiwan, where people live shoulder to shoulder, there has been less than a dozen deaths. Same in Japan. The pandemic has shown what many Americans are really made of and clearly its not the same stuff as overseas. So frustrating. I'm off my soapbox now.

  3. Great pics - and you are right - are you sure this is Texas??!!! Understand why you went back - looks so peaceful and is really beautiful! Hope you can get back there next Spring :)


Alaska, the final installment

  Saturday, 7/6/2024 My trip was winding down and after a nice morning with Michelle and her dad, I headed north back to Anchorage to visit...