Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Bogan Flats Campground and beyond - September 2021

My first night at Bogan Flats Campground I had a campsite off the river, but the 2nd night a riverside site opened and the host allowed me to move my reservation to it. In the morning, after settling into my new site, I walked and fished the Crystal River down stream of the campground. I spooked a number of fish, had a few fish interested in my flies, but did not manage to land any. My after thought was that I should have been walking upstream, since then I would be approaching the fish from behind.

                                        Riverside Campsite at Bogan Flats Campground

I returned to camp for lunch, relaxed and then drove out looking for other fishing locations. I came across a small pond with a labeled fishing access and stopped. Hooked two, but again none in the net.

Four different people had recommended the Slow Groovin BBQ in Marble and so I headed there for dinner. It was awesome, great food, a wide variety of local beers and outdoor dining with a great view of the mountains. I selected a Left Hand Milk Stout and the Cadillac Cuts, Smoked Turkey Breast, Brisket, sausage. a rib and the pork with a side of onions rings. Everything was delicious. Although this BBQ joint is a very popular spot, it’s not the only reason people go to Marble. Marble, CO is home to the Marble Quarry that produced the marble used to build the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC. 

                                                        A chunk of local Marble.

I had left a table cloth, clothesline, a chair and my homemade wooden leveling blocks in my site, to signify it was occupied. When I returned, everything was gone except my tablecloth. This is the first time I have ever had anything stolen from a campsite. After walking the entire campground looking for my stuff, I decided none of the stuff had any real money value and tried to shake off my sour mood.

The next morning, I headed out to fish the Frying Pan River, near Basalt. On the way I stopped at the Redstone Coke Ovens. Back in the day, coal would be converted to coke then shipped off to steel plants. 

                                         Some of the Coke Ovens have been restored.

The drive to Basalt was back tracking towards Aspen but short. After stopping at the local fly shop for information and to buy a few recommended flies, I headed up the canyon towards the Gold Medal designated section of the Frying Pan. I spent about 4 hours fishing and caught one Rainbow and one Brown. The river is a fast moving, high volume tail water fishery and both these guys put up a good fight. I was meeting my friends Phil and Mary at the Silt KOA, so I had to call it a day at 2pm.

                                                               Cruising in the golf cart 

They had made a reservation at a local restaurant that provides a free golf cart shuttle from the KOA to the restaurant. We had a few glasses of wine before hand, cocktails at the restaurant and a great meal, then headed back to the KOA in the golf cart.

Saturday, the three of us went to the Iron Mountain Hot Springs in Glenwood Canyon. I’ve been to a number of Hot Spring Resort, but this is the first one that not only lets you drink in the hot tubs but has an outdoor bar right next to the 16 tubs.

                                                                     Iron Mt Hot Springs

                                                          Phil & Larry just relaxing

                                                  View from Iron Mt Hot Springs

 The views from the terraced tubs were great, we met some nice people and had an excellent time. One of the couples we met, told us about the Crystal Mill in Marble. It is one of the most photographed places in Colorado. After much discussion, Mary convinced me that we should go on Sunday, since it was sort of on my way home. 

Sunday we took two vehicles and drove to Marble. I have to thank Mary for the photos of Enzo on the road since I don't have any, plus she gets credit for the majority of the photos in this post.

My truck is a two seater, so Phil, being the sweetheart that he is, told Mary that if she really wanted to go he would wait for us in Marble. So Mary got in my truck and we headed up the 5.5 mile 4WD road to the mill. There was a race happening on the road, so every so often I would stop to let an on coming runner go by. I’m glad Mary convinced me to go, it is quite the spot, with a few summer cabins, and a small store. The road was probably one of the roughest roads I’ve been on with Enzo. I actually got out and scouted a few spots along the way. 

The road to Crystal Mill

                                                A runner on a good section of road.

The return trip was much faster because we were heading in the same direction as the runners and I didn’t need to do any scouting. It only took us 45 minutes to drive the 5.5 miles back to Marble. By this time it was close to noon so we headed to the Slow Groovin BBQ for lunch. While we were waiting for a table, Mary picked up a rack card for a jeep tour to the Crystal Mill. The price was $500 round trip, which prompted Mary to say, I guess we’re buying lunch. 

After lunch, I said goodbye to Phil, Mary, the town of Marble and started the drive over Independence Pass and back to CORA. It was a great 6 day mini vacation.

Tight lines and safe travels


  1. Great to be reading your blog.
    Miss you. Stay safe

  2. Thanks so much for visiting with us Larry and especially for making that trek out to Crystal Mill. BTW, you didn't include that picture (of the Mill) !!! :)

    Going on that road with you lets me picture your travels a little better. Glad we got some "action shots" of Enzo.

    The red hills of Glenwood Springs are so pretty - especially with the leaves changing.

    Thanks again for coming over to see us! It was a fun weekend!

    Mary & Phil

    1. Shit, I have to fire my proofer, I thought I put the pic of crystal mill in. Can't get good help anymore. Ha!

  3. Looks like you all had a great time. Wish I had been with you!

  4. That comment was from Kathleen 😍

  5. We LOVE Marble! When we visited we saw them moving those big chunks around, there's a video on our blog.

    BUMMER about the ripped off gear. That's so sad. Grrrr.

    What a fun trip though. I love how you guys were able to cruise around in the golf cart after cocktails! And the hot tub bar? OMD! Gotta go there! Thanks for the scoop.

  6. The golf cart made the cost of the KOA worthwhile.


Alaska, the final installment

  Saturday, 7/6/2024 My trip was winding down and after a nice morning with Michelle and her dad, I headed north back to Anchorage to visit...