Wednesday, November 10, 2021

11/10/21 - Westward bound, Benson or bust.

 It’s been awhile since I blogged, so I'll try to catch you up, as of today, it's been a month since I left CORA and I have driven approximately 2,500 miles.

I arrived at Rainbow Plantation, in Summerdale, AL, just east of Mobile on Thursday, 10/21/21. Spent Friday night and the weekend with my sister, Lori, niece, Karen and my Grand nephew, Master Alex. Had a great time. On Tuesday I brought the Moho into Foley Auto and RV Repair. They are an authorized Cummins and Spartan repair shop. They did the stuff that didn’t need parts, but it would be another week before the parts came in, so on Thursday, I moved the Moho to an RV park that was much closer to my niece and hung out with my family most of the week before returning to the SKP park in Summerdale. The weather cooled off so I decided to rent a space in dry camp. 

Dry Camp (aka boondock) at Rainbow Plantation, with the storage area in back. Very Quiet

Things have really changed. When we first hit the road, most nights, the Escapees Park dry camp sections were full. But for these 3 nights, I was the only one in dry camp. But it was great for me, since I had the whole place to myself. After getting all my repairs done I headed west. I planned out my route with approximately 250 mile days. 

Saturday I landed in Farr Equestrian Park in Baton Rouge, LA, 240 miles. I had full hookups for free. The office was closed, there was no self pay, no phone number, the sign said to pay when the office opened on Monday. Well, I only planned on one night, and would be 241 miles down the road by Monday morning, so Free.

                                                         Hailey's Beach N Bay RV Park

On Sunday I drove to the Bolivar Peninsula, just across the water from Galveston and used Passport America to grab a 50 amp FHU site at Hailey's Beach N Bay RV Park, 241 miles. It was a very small park and the sites were tight, but only $27.00. That night I drove the truck to Galveston via the ferry and had dinner with my good friends Hugh and Dianne. 

                                            Truck on the ferry, heading to Galveston

Monday, I headed west with the Moho via the ferry, even saw a porpoise swimming while on the ferry. Monday night I was at  Goliad State Park in Goliad, TX, after driving along the TX coast. I only covered 225 miles but it was slow going in spots. I spent two nights there and visited the Presidio, the historic Catholic church at the Presidio and the historic mission. The church has been continually in use since before the Goliad Massacre in the early 1800s when General Santa Anna ordered the murder of all of Col. Fanin's men who had been captured. The Mexican solders were ordered to shoot the  prisoners including the wounded. They were held in the church before being march out and shot. On a positive note, it was here that Francisa Alavez, a very brave Mexican woman, saved a number of the captured Texicans and became know as the "Angel of Goliad", there is a statue in her honor.

This is also the birthplace of General Ignacio Zaragoza, who led a much out numbered Mexican Army during the battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862 to defeat the French Army. Cinco de Mayo is the celebration of this Mexican victory over the French. 

It's pretty amazing that this little spot in south Texas is home to so much history.

I had a great Water/50 amp  Electric pull-thru site for $27 a night. Nancy and I had visited Goliad a couple of other times. I had hoped to grab some Buttermilk Pie at the Hanging Tree restaurant, but it closed a few years ago.

                                                   Goliad State Park Campsite

                                   The Presidio and Catholic Church in background

Today, was sort of a long driving day, 281 miles to Amisted National Recreation Area just west of Del Rio, TX. $5 for a boon dock pull-thru site. Nice view of the lake. So far I have managed to stay off I-10. I exited I-10 at Winnie, TX, just west of the LA - TX border and it looks like I won’t get back on I-10 until Van Horn. The I-10 corridor from the eastern Texas border to Boerne, TX, which is just west of San Antonio has become very congested and worth avoiding. I have driven  a few more miles, but the drive has been much more pleasant. I also have saved quite a bit on fuel. Diesel near any of the Interstate Highways was in the range of $3.45 - 3.85. I have been paying $3.09 to 3.24 a gallon. Factor in the fact that I usually buy 70 gallons at a pop, need fuel every 450- 500 miles and that adds up to a few bottles of wine.

                       The view from my $5 site at Amistead National Recreation Area

Tomorrow, Thursday, 11/11/21, I’m gonna try to make it to Guadelupe Mt National Park, 381 miles, but should be easy going. It’s a holiday, so I’m taking a chance trying to get a campsite, but I tend to be lucky and I know a few free spots nearby if the National Park is full. 

Tomorrow is Veterans Day, I would like to thank all the men and woman who have served and are serving our country for a job well done. 

Tight lines and safe travels 



  1. Road Warrior! We spent 3 nights in Foley, AL at a little Passport America park back in May 0f 2019 before we came to visit you guys in Houston. We had bee-lined it there from Nashville, trying to avoid all the nasty weather. Foley was just far enough south and east of Mobile that the storms kept skirting just north and west of us, until we could make a run for it to Houston! Didn't realize you had family in that area. Hope your time on the road has been good - sounds like you're getting in a nice roadtrip, and lots of visits! Any snow at CORA yet? Our rig is winterized, but needs to go in for oil change, etc. before getting fully tucked in for the winter. Have fun at Guadalupe!

  2. That's interesting that back when you started, dry camping was often full and now when it seems like everyone is getting solar, dry camping is empty. I'd have thought it was the opposite. Safe travels!!!


Alaska, the final installment

  Saturday, 7/6/2024 My trip was winding down and after a nice morning with Michelle and her dad, I headed north back to Anchorage to visit...