Sunday, November 27, 2022

Moho update 11.27.22

I have always said that I was lucky, not at cards or gambling, but lucky at other stuff. My luck continues. I finished moving everything out of the motorhome on Friday. Saturday, I decided to not do anything related to the motorhome and have some fun. A friend asked if I wanted to go out to the “range” and shoot some targets. As we were driving out in the desert, I mentioned that I was probably meeting with the RV wholesaler on Monday and was hoping to get a little more from him than he was offering. Les asked how much I was hoping to get and I told him. 

We “killed” a few paper targets and then went home. Les is one of the few Co-op tour guides that tour people around the park to show our many amenities. It is one of the reasons we have such a long waiting list to lease a lot here. During the tour, the couple, Brian and Carol, mentioned they were looking for a Class A motorhome, Les said my friend is selling his and proceeds to call me. He brought Brian and Carol over and they looked at the motorhome, I told them the price. They took my phone number and said they would discuss it and call me later in the afternoon.

Later that afternoon, while Deb and I were in the grocery store, my phone rings and Brian tells me they want it and how much of a deposit would I need to seal the deal. They wanted to grab a bite to eat, and I had a surprise birthday party to attend at 4pm, so they said they would call after they ate. Around 4:30pm, Brian called and said they would be at my place in ten minutes. I left the party, met them in the Moho, they gave me a check and we discussed when they would pay the balance and take delivery. Yay!!!!!!

I have a free storage space here at the Co-op, so either today or tomorrow I’ll move the Moho into it and free up my lot.

The universe and Nancy have been taking care of me. I am very grateful for everything. Life is good.

They left and I headed back to the party. the birthday girl was late, so I missed the surprise part when Linda entered the clubhouse, but there was a large turnout for her. The party broke up around 5:30 and I headed home to grab dinner before the dance at 7pm. The band was a rock band from Tucson, they have played in the clubhouse before and Deb and I have heard them a few times in Tucson. Danced until 9 and after we helped stack the chairs on the tables, the party broke up around 9:15.

All in all it was a great day. I also want to wish a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to one of my best friends,  Lauren back in NH. Miss you and Ken.

I hope all is well with everyone out there. Just in case I don’t post before Christmas, MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY HOLIDAYS. May whatever your faith is, bring you and yours much joy this season.


Tight lines and safe travels 


  1. Hey Larry! Yep, sounds like the moon and stars aligned just right for you! Glad the sale worked out! Enjoy the dancing! ST

  2. That's awesome Larry, another congrats! As far as being in the right place at the right time I don't think it's "luck," but more like your awesome attitude about life and your place in the world. What goes around comes around. You deserve all the goodness you put out there, and that's a LOT! Luv ya! -R&J


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