Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Alaska Blog 5

 Alaska Blog 5

Wednesday, 6/26/24, headed out the McCarthy road,  about 10:30 am, stopped at some views along the way, one of which was Kuskulana Bridge. There was a catwalk under the bridge but the lower access ladder had been removed. In my younger days I would have just grabbed the top of the concrete and mantled onto and the walked out on the catwalk. Now I need a short ladder.

I then turned south to Valdez. WOW!  I had a clear day and the views driving were awesome. Valdez wasn’t even on my radar, but a number of people I’ve met in various places, along the way, said it was an incredible drive, they were not exaggerating. I got into town late afternoon, hit Safeway Grocery for some more food and beer, then drove to the dock area and just walked around. I decided to grab a tent site at the Valdez RV park, a few blocks off the docks, for $40, but showers were included. Nice view and I needed the shower. The showers were busy that evening, so I took mine at 3am, what the heck, I was awake and its light outside.

Thursday morning I treated myself to breakfast a a locals spot. There were four guys, each sitting at their own table. Great breakfast, $20 for two slices ham, two eggs, coffee, hash browns, toast and a coffee to go. Quite the dining out deal, for Alaska. After breakfast, I headed out of town and a Moose crossed the road in front of me. The mountains were socked in with low hanging clouds, so again, I lucked out with the weather the day before. After cresting a high point the clouds vanished behind me and I again had some great scenery.

Later that day, as I turned to check out a body of water, I saw a moose and quickly pop a u-turn.

I tried my hand at fishing at some spots along the way, but no joy, lol. Spent the night in a rest area 4 miles south of Delta Jct on Richardson Hwy, across from the Allen Army Airfield, I could see their air traffic control tower and heard Reveille in the morning.

Friday, 6/28/24, morning, I headed north to meet up with Rene & Jim at Chena Hot Springs. Turned onto the road to Quartz Lake to fish and saw a momma moose and her baby, but they ducked into the woods before I could get their photo. After a couple of hours of fishing, I continued North and the smoke from wildfires got thick. I stopped in a state campground, which was housing a wildfire crew, and was able to get their first hand knowledge of the local fires, two firefighters were from Colorado, so based on their info, I decided to continue to Fairbanks and then decide whether or not I would turn north to Chena Hot Springs or south. Fairbanks had much improved air quality, so I headed to Chena Hot Springs, $20 to dry camp, but real shitty outhouse, free WiFi at the resort and nice bathrooms in there, $18 as a senior to soak for the day, $5 for unlimited towels, one per soak. included showers. Soaked twice. Rene and Jim arrived around 9pm. It was great to see them again.

Campsite at Chena Hot Springs

The Chena Hot spring

Saturday, 6/29/24

After being convinced to renew my campsite, I went fishing late morning, at Mile Marker 43, no joy, I did however, slip and fall in while wet wading. Later that day we all met up and went to the Ice Museum for a tour and an Apple Martini in a martini glass made of ice. You get to keep the glass. Some people smash it outside, we took them back to camp to drink Bourbon until they melted.

These are the actual glasses made out of ice slowly melting

Stay tuned more to come, I'll catch up eventually.

Tight Lines and safe travels

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back to the Lower 48! Hopefully no fires near CORA. Blistering heat and oppresive humidity around NH. Actually tornado watches and warnings earlier up north of the notch as remnants of Beryl passed thru. Now just flooding concerns - may see 4' + of rain up there overnight. Drive south to Valdez is awesome! ST


Alaska, the final installment

  Saturday, 7/6/2024 My trip was winding down and after a nice morning with Michelle and her dad, I headed north back to Anchorage to visit...