Saturday, June 6, 2020

Covid testing and medical transport for surgery

I was very impressed with Baylor College of Medicine's process for Covid 19 testing. Initially, I was concerned that I would arrive in my F150 and truck camper requiring more than 8' 4" of clearance and it would create a fuss. Not so.

I arrived as instructed 15 minutes early, at 12:30 pm on 6/1/2020, for my 12:45 pm appointment, to discover a line of cars and a locked gate, with a sign that said "Closed until 1pm".

I pulled in behind the last car and walked up to the gate where a nice young women instructed me to bring my truck to the front of the line and informed me that they would take the oversized vehicles first and that I would not go through the parking garage, but rather part way in, where there was plenty of clearance and then get turned around and exit the same way I entered.

A couple of minutes before 1pm, a security guard checked my driver's license and order number though my closed window and waved me through the gate. Another staff member directed me into the beginning of the parking garage and turned me around before getting anywhere near the low ceiling. A few minutes later a nurse in full PPE, checked my ID,  had me lower my window stuck a swab a mile up each of my nostrils and sent me on my way. As I approached the closed gate again, the security gate opened it and waved me through. I checked my watch and it was 1:05pm. Not bad.

The next day I received a phone call from my surgeon informing me that my  Covid 19 test was negative and surgery was a GO!

My experience with Amerasolutions was just as impressive. The day before my scheduled pickup,  I received a phone call confirming all the details, twelve hours and two hours before my pickup I received reminder emails. The day of my surgery, the Amerasolutions' driver arrived ten minutes early and called my cell phone to tell me she had arrived. She took me to surgery clinic, I checked in, she left and then the nurse called the company when I was ready for discharge.  About 20 minutes later my driver came back to the clinic, picked me up and took me back to the RV park.

My cataract surgery was a success, I had my first post-op MD appointment the next day at 8:15 am and was told I can legally drive without glasses. That was good because I had driven myself to the appointment, LOL.

So I am one more step closer to getting back on the road and truly becoming a solo full-time RV.

Stay tuned, my next blog will be about purchasing and installing four new golf cart batteries in the motorhome and buying four 275/70R 22.5 tires online via and getting them installed at my "local" tire shop.

Tight Lines and safe travels

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