Thursday, May 28, 2020

Medical Transport Services

In this new world of Covid-19 restrictions, those involved with making arrangements for medical procedures, don’t always take in to account every possible situation nor can they, so one needs to asks lots of questions if you don’t fit the usual and customary model, that being a person living with close family, driving a typical car.

For example I am having my second cataract done next week, as per the usual procedure, they require I have a responsible adult with me during the surgery and the patient can’t drive. No problem, Nancy & I would Uber to the clinic. But now I don’t have Nancy to accompany me.

I had a couple of good friends offer to drive me to my surgery. But they are about 30 miles away and my surgery is at 7:30 am. I really didn’t want them to have to get up early, fight Houston traffic and then not be able to even wait in the clinic, because they don’t allow anyone but patients now inside. Luckily, I had looked into this as a back up plan even before the Covid stuff and Nancy’s passing, just in case she was admitted to the hospital just prior to my surgery, or if she just was to weak to go with me to the surgery as the responsible adult.

I was given the name of a medical transport company, AmeraSolutions, this is the take away for any solo travelers. They are an International Medical Coordination and Transportation company. They have CNAs who are licensed to pick you up, transport you, sign you in and out of surgery and then drive you home. A round trip Uber, which the surgery clinic won’t release me to, is $20, this service is $100, so it’s pretty reasonable. They will keep in touch with the clinic and come back and pick me up when I’m ready to go home. Amerasolutions was very easy to work with, they asked all the questions and took care of all the details over the phone. Then I made a reservation back at So Main RV Park in Houston for the night before and the day of surgery. I have a post-op appointment the morning after surgery and then I’ll head back to Livingston in the truck camper.  

I appreciate Bob & Judy's offer, but I'm all set and instead we'll get together another time socially instead.

So I thought I had handled all the details when I received a phone call from the clinic and was informed that I would need to be tested for Covid three days before my surgery and then remain quarantined until my surgery. Okay that sounds pretty simple, until they told me the test would be done at a drive through testing site and I told them that my everyday driver is a truck with a camper and I need over 8 feet 4 inches of clearance. Hold please, was the response. A few minutes later the person came back and said, no problem we have a location for oversize vehicles and we think it has enough clearance for your truck, just get there a little early in case there is a problem. They may have to bring the testing supplies out to you. So Monday should be interesting.

Here is the info for the transport company:


I'll let you know how the testing, transport and surgery went next time. 

Tight Lines and Safe Travels,


  1. Larry that is suuuuper good information to know about. I didn't even know these kinds of things existed. Too funny about your oversized vehicle requirements for the drive-thru testing. Bet they're used to that in Texas!

  2. Hey bug tosser... It's Wednesday - how'd it go Monday? Clear of CoViD?


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