Friday, October 16, 2020

On the Road Again & shit happens

 I have not posted in a very long while simply because I have not traveled for approximately four months, since arriving at my lot in Colorado. Today, after having closed up and locked down everything over the previous two days, I hit the road heading south to a lease lot in NM. I had planned to travel footloose and carefree this winter, but with COVID, I’ll hunker down for the winter and take short trips in the truck camper.

Since the motorhome sat still for the entire summer, I decided to get things ready a couple of days ahead of departure to allow time to make any repairs that might pop up. So much for advanced planning. On October 14th, after dumping the tanks, disconnecting the hoses and power cord, checking all the fluids, tire pressure and even adding 7 psi to the driver’s front tire, I turned the Moho around, backed the truck in to the site and then backed the Moho in. I hooked up the truck, tested all the lights, braking system and everything was fine, I connected the Moho power cord and was done.

When I  decided to do the dishes that evening, the water pump died just as I was filling the sink. I filled up 4 one gallon water containers and went into camping mode. Since the temperature was due to be below freezing, it wasn’t worth connecting the water hose for one night.

Blast off day was October 16th. I awoke at 6am, had breakfast, brought in the slides, stored the jacks and started the moho. While the Moho was airing up, I disconnected the power cord and stored it, then walked around the Moho, the driver’s front tire was completely flat. Evidently, the valve stem extension was about to fail, and when I added the 7 psi, I must have tweaked it just enough to cause it to fail, based on the soapy water test. I removed the extension and the tire held pressure throughout the day with multiple checks. I was able to be on the road by 9:15 am and managed to drive 313 mies to a roadside boon dock just north of Clines Corners, NM.

The moral of the story is that story is………………………… shit happens no matter how much pre-planning and preventative maintenance one does. You just have to roll with it.

I did decide that I would tempt faith and just drive without a firm destination in mind. I knew there was a large rest area just south of the CO-NM border, but I past that at 1pm. I was determined not to pay for a RV site and assumed I would be able to find a boon dock, which I did. Tomorrow, assuming no flat tires, or other mishaps, I will arrive at my winter lot sometime around noon.

The sun has set, the dinner dishes will be left in the sink until I have hookups, I still have plenty of water, but why waste it doing dishes. Time for a drink, a little reading and early to bed, it was a little stressful today, but all things considered, I ended with a smile and a successful day on the road.

By the way, I had a very successful fly fishing summer. To summarize. I caught a 25” Brown Trout the same day I caught 30 Rainbows. My best day was 40 Rainbows in less than 3 hours. I did get skunked a few days, notably, at the Taylor River, Billings Lake and the Dream Stream, but so do many good fly fishers. The Brown was on an Olive Wooley Bugger, but I had some great dry fly days with a small caddis. The days I got skunked, I threw a wide variety with no result.

Tight Lines & Travel Safe


  1. Welcome back! 8^)
    I hate valve extensions - ended up just putting long stems all the way around ( - for the same reason you discovered!

    I'd ask if you got out before the snow started flying, but you've already had that to deal with! Hope you had a good summer back at CORA.

    Yeah - different summer (year...) for travel, or lack of it. Fingers crossed for next summer. Couple trips to the Whites and Maine for us - need to make 1 more run in 2 weeks for family before I tuck it away for the wintah! New tank heater pads on, extra insulation underneath around the entry steps...

    Cool and rainy (FINALLY!) around NH, we, too, have seen drought conditions this summer. Statewide Fire Ban STILL in effect - thinking it will be lifted after this coming week.

    Safe travels headed to NM - remember Katie is in the Socorro area, about an hour south of ABQ if that's where you land!

    Stay healthy! Safe travels! ST

  2. Ah, the joy's of rv life. Better that the stem gave out at CORA and not on the road. Always much discussion pro and con on various extensions. Had them with no issues but enough other rv issues!
    Sleep well and keep us all updated on your adventures, hugs

  3. Hey based on that headline I thought this was gonna be much worse and I'm SO glad it wasn't!

    Well, I think that if that crap had to happen at least it was at CORA. It's just the Universe getting you primed for all the unexpected adventure that lay ahead. It's not always fun, but it keeps us from sleepwalking through life doesn't it?

    One time we thought our water pump was going out so we bought one but the old one kept working, so we held off on installing it. The original pump didn't go out for an entire year, but boy were we glad we that that extra on hand when it did!

    Hope you made it to NM without any more issues!


Alaska, the final installment

  Saturday, 7/6/2024 My trip was winding down and after a nice morning with Michelle and her dad, I headed north back to Anchorage to visit...