Tuesday, November 10, 2020


 Sunday, I enjoyed a couple of cups of coffee watching the waves on the Gulf, took a long walk on the beach, relaxed some and then packed up and headed to Houston around 2pm. I took advantage of being in an urban area and purchased a new pair of light weight hiking boots at Bass Pro Shop. I arrived at South Main RV park just before 4pm, set up, turned the A/C to max and then visited with Elysse and Steward. 

Monday was my last appointment at 9:50am. At 9am I received a phone call informing me that my doc had “called in” and I’d have to reschedule. I was fortunate that they squeezed me in with the Physician Assistant at 10:10 am and all was good.

I headed west out of Houston at noon. I really didn’t feel like going home. Except for the Houston traffic and crazy ass Houston drivers, I was having a great time. I wanted to go to Big Bend N.P. but it was only doing camping reservations and no first come first serve sites. Everything was booked except a single nite at a back country site. I really didn’t want to drive all that way for one night. I decided I would drive as far as Kerrville, TX, camp at Kerrville Schriener Park and re-group. I went to bed still not know what I would do.

This morning, Tuesday, I decided to drive to Guadalupe Mts. N.P. and take a chance that I could make it there before sunset and get a site. I drove out 438 miles, got there before sunset, but all the “campsites” were taken. I grabbed a normal parking spot, paid the camping fee and figured I would take my chances that I wouldn’t get another visit from law enforcement. By the time it was dark a number of rigs had pulled in and parked in the non camping spots, so I think I’m okay. 

It’s quite cool here tonight, currently 49 degrees at 7:30pm, hard to believe I was swimming in the gulf on Saturday, running the A/C on Sunday and running the furnace tonight. I have not decided how long I will stay. I have enough food and clean clothes for at least a week, so I’ll play it by ear. Forecast in for high 60s by day and high 40s at night, so great hiking weather.

I’ll do a couple of the hikes I didn’t do on my last visit and break in the new boots. 

Happy Veterans Day and a big thank you to all the vets. I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful holiday.

Tight lines and safe travels


  1. Worked fine! Nice to see the posts! Weird weather here, still almost 70, splitting and stacking firewood today. Would rather be hiking!!

  2. Post came thru fine! Glad your Dr visit was good and that you got out of Houston. This sounds like a great spot - suggest you stay as long as you can, hike, relax and enjoy!

  3. Now that you got out of Houston, it sounds like a lovely time. Good for you on flying by the seat of your pants. Awesome!

  4. You are amazing. Great travels I’m thinking if I could only follow your lead. I’m exhausted reading your post. Your energy is overwhelming. Love what your doing.

  5. Glad we got to spend sometime with you and it’s always a learning experience! You are our personal sensai! Stay well and safe! Elysse and Stuart


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