Sunday, November 8, 2020



Saturday night I climbed into bed to read around 9:15 or so, I didn’t last long and turned out the lights. I was sound asleep, when there was a very loud banging on the side of the camper and a voice announced “ Sheriff’s department, I need to speak with you”. Well, needless to say I was rather startled, so I asked him to repeat himself, same message. Then said I had been sound asleep and said to give me a couple of minutes, I could see bright lights outside, I got up, turned on the lights, got dressed opened the door and stepped out. There were 4 officers spread out. The sheriff introduced himself, asked if I was alone and if I had a gun. He questioned me as to whether I had been involved in an argument with someone and whether or not I had fired a warning shot. I told him again that I didn’t have a gun, had been asleep and didn’t hear anything, nor had I had any argument with anyone. I told him that in the two days I had been here, that except for saying hello, I had only spoken with a couple of people and hadn’t argued with anyone.

He asked for my ID, and then explained that someone had called in a report of an argument and shots fired. He thanked me for my cooperation, I thanked them for being on the job, said goodnight and they all drove away. I climbed back into bed and went back to sleep.

This morning, after a cup a coffee, it occurred to me how well I was treated. I was not yelled at, I was not made to feel afraid. I wasn’t thrown to the ground, or touched at all. I also realized that I was not even concerned about stepping out of the camper and facing law enforcement, I hadn’t done anything wrong, so why would I be. BUT I’M A SMALL, WHITE GUY, and then I wondered if it would have been any different had I been a person of color. I don’t know the answer to that and never will. Just food for thought.

22 years living on the road and this is the first time I’ve been “visited” by law enforcement in the middle of the night. I hope it’s another 22 years before it happens again.

Tight lines and  Safe Travels 


  1. Yo! Was this at the beach site where you were camped, or at SKPs place??? I have always found respect breeds respect.

  2. Holy sheyit. First, I'm glad you are good and everything worked out.

    Second, that is EXACTLY what was going through my head as I was reading about your experience as a white man getting questioned by the cops.

    Of course, I felt bad that you had that experience. But Jim and I both immediately thought, "Gee, what would have happened if he was black?"

    The BLM movement continues having ripple effects, and awakening (most of) us to our privileges in this country. You are clearly part of it. Right on, my friend.

  3. So glad it worked out like that. I’m mostly a law abiding citizen and don’t have any reason to fear the law, but I think I would be pretty fearful in that moment


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