Friday, November 6, 2020

 I've been busy since my last post. Voting was easy, albeit social distancing and mask wearing could have been better. By 7:30am I was done. I did observe that SKPs have changed quite a bit. I was actually camped in the same dry camp area where Nancy & I began our early road life. It was in dry camp C where we met a number of our friends back in 1999, and 2000. Back in the day, there were times when we couldn't get a dry camp or "boondock" site and were forced to take a hookup site. But this time the park was full, with the exception of a couple of boondocks sites. Oddly, there were a number of "off grid " capable rigs in FHU sites, I even saw a couple of very expensive overland style 4WD vans with huge solar arrays in FHU sites. The nights were cool, I slept under a blanket, so it wasn't like you needed air conditioning. Anyway, it was quite different from when SKPs would brag that they had not been plugged in for X number of days and would squeeze into a tight dry camp site rather than take a FHU site. 

Wednesday. I was off to Houston, for a dental cleaning, then a Wednesday night at Brazos Bend State Park. Did a nice flat land hike, saw two good sized alligators, took a shower and then headed to South Main RV Park for Thursday night to be close to Baylor College of Medicine facilities for labs and my oncologist. It was incredibly noisy. I slept with ear plugs. I'm sure it was a combination of, having been away from Houston  and in some very quiet places for six months and very little sound proofing in Enzo, compared to the Moho. The ear plugs really helped. I also visited with friends Stuart and Elysse, who introduced me to some very nice Bourbon, Larceny, and fed me. Had a great time visiting with them.

Friday, after my appointment, I went to Galveston to visit my good friends Hugh and Dianne for a few hours, then it was off to the free county beach near Surfside. I settled in to a nice spot, but around 8pm I noticed the waves were getting a little close and my buddy Kevan had mentioned a hurricane off the Mexico coast. So I decided to pack up and move about a quarter mile up the beach to higher ground and re-settle. High tide is predicted for 4am, so even if my tires get a little wet, I'll be dry for breakfast. I'm packed on pretty soft sand, which usually indicates that the water doesn't reach it very often, so I should be good now. The only thing I left out was my small rubber mat, which is pretty easy to clean, so I should be okay. Weather appears to be excellent, and I'm here for two nights. I'm looking forward to a long walk on the beach tomorrow, sitting and reading a book and then watching sunset over the dunes. I do like the Texas coast, if only it wasn't part of Texas. LOL

Sunday late afternoon, I'll head back to South main RV Park in Houston, for what may be my last visit to the Bayou city or as it is sometimes called Space City. I'll remember it as cancer city.

The recommended social distancing rule from these guys is 30 feet. No Problem 

                                      Shortly before sunset on the beach............... before I moved.

Tight lines and safe travels

1 comment:

  1. Love the social distancing comment regarding alligators! Did we ever tell you the story of paddling the Loxahatchee River from Jonathan Dickinson State Park in Florida 3-ish years ago? Apparently alligators resent being hit on the head with a kayak paddle...! Looks like you could surf cast from Enzo in that picture! I would recommend a nine-weight rod for that... 😉 Our rig gets covered today, in hibernation until April 😥 - fingers crossed travel will be possible again by then 🤞 Yeah, let's keep Houston in the rearview mirror. Keep smiling!


Alaska, the final installment

  Saturday, 7/6/2024 My trip was winding down and after a nice morning with Michelle and her dad, I headed north back to Anchorage to visit...