Saturday, January 23, 2021

BBNP Part 2


Alls well that ends well. 

The wrecker dropped the truck at the Ford dealer, in Ft. Stockton, Wednesday, at 12:45pm, and then at 5:15pm I was headed south back to Big Bend National Park. As I suspected it was the engine temperature sensor, a $26 part. Diagnosis, labor and parts came to $101. I was very thankful and grateful that they were not only able to get the truck into the service bay on the same day, but that they had the part in stock. It was 161 miles, and 3 hours back to Cottonwood Campground and I arrived at 8:15 pm. Poured myself a bourbon, cooked a couple of pan fried burritos and my little world was back to normal. 

Thursday morning, I woke to a gentle desert rain, and a fairly deserted campground. The empty sites all had tags which were valid until 1/22, but I guess the rain drove people out. I actually enjoy the rare desert rain. The desert takes on a sweet smell, and animals seem to become more active. I heard coyotes, an owl, numerous woodpeckers and even saw a lone white horse. I decided that I had enough driving on Wednesday, so after the rain stopped I drove the 8 miles to Santa Elena Canyon. It was an absolute mud hole, so I took it as an omen that today was going to be a day of relaxation and drove back to camp.

Friday, was a beautiful day, full sun which warmed the desert to the low 70s. I drove about 25 miles to the trailhead for Oak Spring. The gravel road was blocked about 500 yards in, so hiking the rest of the road added about 1.25 miles each way, but I was the only person. I hiked to the tie down tree, spread a little bit of Nancy, we had been here years ago, then continued to Cattail Falls, which is sort of a hidden little hike and one of the water sources for the park. I hung out at the falls for a while and then headed back. After 1o minutes I began to meet others hiking in. Total distance 4.5 miles. On the drive back to camp, I did the short 3/4 mile hike into Tuff Canyon and then continue through the slot canyon until I reach a short cliff blocking further progress, at least without someone else to spot me. Back to camp for a beer, steak, salad and leftover fried rice. A perfect day!

Just a reminder, there is very limited cell coverage and wifi exists at 3 spots in the park, nothing at Cottonwood Campground. I really appreciate the texts, emails, and comments, but I can’t respond in a timely manner. I have been writing my blog offline, then posting when I get a connection.

I’m sitting in a pull off near the mule ears, about ten miles from the campground, after hiking around the Burro Mesa area. I saw that I had a cell signal so stopped. No photos this time, I’m moving to the Chisos Basin on Sunday, and should have wifi and cell coverage there, maybe. Fingers crossed.


  1. Glad to hear it worked out! Will watch for more blog posts!

  2. So glad the truck was an easy fix and you got to go back to hiking!
    Stay safe and will look for updates when they come!

  3. Yes - so glad you are back at Big Bend - really only lost a day so you are good! Have fun!

  4. Now THAT sounds like paradise! So glad it was an easy fix and you're having fun again.

  5. $100 bucks at a dealership...that’s like winning the lotto!


Alaska, the final installment

  Saturday, 7/6/2024 My trip was winding down and after a nice morning with Michelle and her dad, I headed north back to Anchorage to visit...