Sunday, January 24, 2021

BBNP part 3


                                   Friday’s hike to Cattails Falls, photos as promised

                                            The Tie down tree, and one of Nancy's favorite spots 

                                                          Cattails Falls Trail

                                                           Cattails Falls Entrance

                                                                 Cattails Falls

                                                        Tufts Canyon Overlook


                                                                Tufts Canyon

Saturday, I hiked into Burro Mesa Pour Off ( 2 miles RT) and Burro Mesa Spring, (4.8 RT). The Pour Off trail probably is one of the best 1 mile hikes I done. I had it all to myself until I was just about back to the truck, when I ran into a couple from Bow, NH, go figure. We chatted and then moved on. 

                                                         Burro Mesa Pour Off Trail

                                                     Burro Mesa Pour Off Entrance

                                                           Burro Mesa Pour Off

                                                   Looking Up Burro Mesa Pour Off

I love the “miles to empty feature” on the F150, since I only get 14 MPG and the closest gas station is in Panther Junction, 35 miles from Cottonwood Campground, it’s reassuring to see that I had 122 miles remaining as I made the turn from Burro Mesa and headed back to the campground. I don’t need another vehicle incident on this trip.

This is where I had a full rack of Verizon bars and posted my previous blog post

Saturday night was my last night at Cottonwood and I was rewarded with a pretty spectacular sunset.

I moved to Chisos Basin today, and have great cell coverage, so I'll post my Chisos adventure tomorrow.

tight lines and Travel Safe 


  1. Part of your great fuel economy due to the fact it got a piggyback ride for 150 miles??!! 8^) GREAT pics - the mesa "pour-off" seems pretty self-explanatory, but why is it called the tie-down tree? Guessing horses?? Beautiful sunset! Your reward for the earlier aggravation!

  2. I wondered why the name also. It is a beautiful spot as are all the places you are able to go.
    Looking up Burro Mesa Pour Off must be spectacular in real life. I can't imagine looking down, I get palpitations just thinking about it!

  3. What a beautiful spot to remember Nancy. I love how shady it is in all that desert sun. And the canyons...omg. I feel so small just looking at those photos. Amazing.

    What's also remarkable is you got any cell coverage at all. That's a change for sure. What carrier are you using?

    And just curious, are people wearing masks out there?


Alaska, the final installment

  Saturday, 7/6/2024 My trip was winding down and after a nice morning with Michelle and her dad, I headed north back to Anchorage to visit...