Sunday, January 3, 2021

January 3 2021- a quick trip to the local mountains

 HAPPY NEW YEAR, let’s get 2020 and Covid in the rear view mirror. My deltoid is ready anytime they want to give me the vaccine. 

I had planned to go hiking and camping New Year’s eve, but mother nature had other plans. It was just a bit to cold, 19 degrees for a low, so I settled in at home. But yesterday it was sunny, the high was forecast to be in the 50s and lows in the 30s, so I headed out to Lincoln National Forest to explore a Forest Road and campsite I discovered when hiking a week ago. It’s pretty amazing what you can do with Google Map. I knew the road dead ended above Sitting Bull Springs Recreation area, but didn’t know where it began, but it didn’t take long to find it with Google Map. Turned out that Forest Road 525 begins just west of Queen, NM and winds 5.3 miles to the campsite. The road wasn’t bad just a rough high clearance rocky dirt road. On the way, I got waved down by two guys in a pickup coming out. They were bow hunting for Mule Deer and needed air in a rear tire. I used my compressor to inflate their tire, we exchanged a few pleasantries at social distance, bumped fists and parted ways. They had seen a couple of bucks, but couldn’t take a shot.

The campsite is totally exposed and the wind was blowing steady at 30 mph with higher gusts. 

I almost wimped out and left. Instead I decided to hike to the overlook and then play it by ear. 

The hike was great, although I had a full on head wind hiking back to camp. On the way back I met two more bow hunters. They were hunting those sheep I previously mentioned, but hadn’t seen any.

Doing the hike convinced me to stay and accept the wind, which by the way rocked the truck and camper all night long. Mother nature disappointed me at night when the clouds rolled in, so no star gazing. 

But in the morning, Mother Nature did reward me with a beautiful sunrise in the East and pretty bright moon in the west, plus the wind had calmed a little.

                                                      Sunrise view to the west

                                                                    The Road Out

Not much else to say, had breakfast, drove to the bottom of the canyon then did a short hike and headed home. 

                 View from the bottom looking up at the Mesa where I was camped

Tonight my birthday dinner is lamb chops on the grill!!!!! 

Tight lines and safe travels 

Hop you enjoyed the photos.

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year! Sounds like a fantastic trip ; glad you decided to stay - beautiful sunrise! We are still in Myrtle Beach - rain the last 3 days but today the sun came out! 70 beautiful degs and nice walk on the beach! Pretty much staying in our RV bubble - not eating out or visiting anyone. Rig is almost emptied out and caught up on almost everything - maybe this is what retirement will feel like!! Happy Birthday!


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