Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Final BBNP, BBRSP, GUMO and wrap-up

 The wind decided to really howl Saturday night at Guadalupe Mt. National Park. I really didn't sleep all that well with the camper rocking back and forth. By 8am and was driving out of the Pine Springs entrance at GUMO and heading to the entrance to McKittrick Canyon, which gets unlocked at 8am. I only hiked the 2.4 miles to the Pratt Cabin, because I wanted to be back to my motorhome in Lakewood, NM, 80 miles away, in time to watch the Super Bowl. The trail continues much further but that will be for another time. 

                                                 McKittrick Canyon Canyon Stream crossing
                                                            McKittrick Canyon Canyon Trail

It took me about an hour to get to Pratt Cabin. The trail is well maintained and mostly flat. I had the place to myself and enjoyed 15-20  minutes sitting in one of the rocking chairs on the back porch eating a couple of granola bars. The cabin is in pretty good shape, it has a flag stone roof, as well as a flagstone porch. I looked through the windows and it actually looks like the park services must utilize it for something.

                                                       View from the back porch of Pratt Cabin

                                                                           Pratt Cabin

This is definitely one of those places I could live, but glad it is part of the National Park system for anyone to enjoy.

I had a great time on this vacation. It sounds funny to say vacation, when I'm retired, but I don't know what else to call it. This is my second extended solo trip, but the first one was filled with medical appointments, voting, as well as a couple of short visits with friends. The trip into the Big Bend area was really my first extended backcountry trip totally alone. 

Although I missed having someone to share the experiences, and talk to, I did become very comfortable with this new lifestyle. I decided to focus on the positive aspects of solo travel, and minimize any negative thoughts.

Having Enzo setup as a solo unit, really gives me quite a lot of space. I was easily able to pack four weeks worth of food, some frozen, some refrigerated as well as canned and packaged food. The National Luna two zone 50 liter compressor refrigerator performed well. I was able to freeze a number of steaks, pork chops and chicken thighs, which allowed me to have meat on the grill anytime I wanted it. In addition to that I also packed a number of cans of white chicken, noodles, rice, mashed potatoes, canned corn, baked beans and salad material. The only thing I ran out of was salad material. I cooked most meals outside, except those few days that either the wind was howling or it was raining. All things considered, I was extremely comfortable in the backcountry in Enzo.

I think I am going to enjoy traveling solo. I was joking with a friend that the ideal situation might be to travel with a companion that had their own overland camper and that maybe I should run an personal ad.

"Mature, active, widowed male, who is into fly fishing, hiking and overland camping seeks like minded female companion with own overland camper. Send picture of your overland camper" 

The universe was very good to me on this trip, up to and including receiving a text message from the NM Dept of Health on Monday at 10am, stating I could receive my Covid Vaccine. So Tom Brady got his 7th Super Bowl Ring on Sunday, and I got my first Covid Vaccine dose at noon on Monday, 2/8/21. How cool is that?

I'm looking forward to another Enzo trip, soon. I'll probably head back to GUMO next week to do the few trails I haven't done, then a trip over to Deming, NM to change the deed on my land there and do some hiking in the Florida Mountains, pronounced Floor rita Mountains. Then once I receive my second Covid vaccine dose and passed the time lag for full response, I'll hit the road and visit some friends. Who knows, maybe even take a road trip in the Moho with Enzo in tow. 

I hope that all of you who wish to be vaccinated have the opportunity sooner than later. I had a sore arm for 36 hours and that was it, no other side effects. I will continue to take the recommended Covid precautions but should be protected by early April.

Tight lines and safe travels

1 comment:

  1. Great pics Larry! You sound renewed and so upbeat, that's awesome to see. I'm glad you had a great time.

    As for the personal ad, look for my SKPs magazine article from last year, "Living Apart and Together." It's about couples who do exactly as you described in your ad.


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