Monday, February 15, 2021


Hi Everyone,

2020 has been a real bummer of a year, and we are all hoping that 2021 brings more joy not only to our individual worlds but also the entire world in general. I don't need to list all the negative things that happened in 2020, plus the impact of each negative event impacts each of us differently and each of us would rank the events in a different order.

I try to be a positive person, I'm not always successful but I try. We are 45 days into 2021, and I just returned from a great 3 week vacation in one of my favorite winter places. Being on the road and in the backcountry as a solo, helped me turn a very important personal corner. I really enjoyed camping and traveling in Enzo. I enjoy "living" in my 40ft diesel motorhome, but I enjoy traveling in Enzo. I became very comfortable in Enzo and the flexibility it gives me. I look forward to a positive 2021 and wish the best to each of you.

A cliche comes to mind: "Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger" 

Below is a link to one of Nancy's favorite youtube videos. After she found this she shared it with her cancer posse as well as cancer buddies.   I am sharing it with you in the hope that you find it uplifting as we did. It's a great fight song and anyone who has been through treatment either as a cancer patient or caregiver will relate. But, I think it can apply to all the negative events of 2020. TURN UP THE VOLUME!!!!!!!!!

As soon as this winter storm passes and warm weather returns, I plan to head back to Guadalupe Mt National Park, knock off a few more hikes and enjoy more adventures as a solo traveler. Spring and hungry trout are also just around the corner.

Tight lines and safe travels

1 comment:

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