Monday, March 1, 2021

My first online article

Hi everyone,

It's official. My first online article has published, so I guess I am officially a freelance writer. Thank you,Rene for your confidence and introduction to the industry. I still have a lot to learn and will try not to let you down.

Yesterday, it was sunny and in the high 60s, so I enjoyed a long walk and then sitting in the sun and reading, this morning it's snowing, so I guess it's a good day to stay indoors and write. :)

Writing both my own blog, as well as doing the freelance stuff has filled a void.

Anyway, I thought I'd share the link to the article with everyone.

Tight lines and safe travels


  1. Dude! Fortune AND fame! Awesome! Glad you let us know - I would have freaked if I saw your article and you hadn't told us! Now, quick reader poll... How many of us carry and have had to use an air compressor??? Count me in! You could have mentioned useful for winterizing onboard water systems, too, especially since you said it's snowing there again! 35 and drizzle today, going back to single digits tonight. Snowpack will be a glacier by tomorrow!

  2. Oh gosh I just saw this, catching up on emails. You did a GREAT job and I know others will be excellent too!

    @Loggenrock, count us in! We just started carrying a compressor about 2 years ago. We could have used that article when we were newbies.

  3. Great article. Hope you set up an affiliate account with Amazon, just sent you some money!


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