Monday, July 26, 2021

60 th Escapade and beyond

Sweetwater Events Center, Rock Springs, WY - July 2021

This was the third Escapade, I've attended over the 24 years that I have been a member of the Escapees Club, but the first one after Travis and Melanie formed the Excapers, which really brought in a younger crowd and gave CPR to the club. 

The Vendor exhibitor tent was not air conditioned, no fans except personal fans brought by vendors. Needless to say it was hot and uncomfortable. But, I made the best of it and met some nice prospects for AGS. My vendor neighbors were all friendly and fun to talk to in between clients. 

Many years ago, Nancy & I actually did the Event center's Guest Guide. Chad Banks was our contact and the General Manager. He is no longer at the center, but his daughter was at the Chamber of Commerce booth across the aisle, how's that for a small world. Each night after closing the booth, I headed over to the RV Country FREE happy hour. These guys were awesome, beer, wine, some type of cocktail and snacks. Then after chatting with new friends, drinking a few cocktails, I'd take one to go and head over to the SOLOs happy hour. I decided to become a member of the SOLOs to meet other single travelers. Nice people but a bit older and less active than I like. But I made some new friends. 

On Tuesday and Thursday there was an outdoor concert by the Status Crowes. They rocked the house the first night on the Escapees's solar powered stage, I danced with a few ladies and decided to pay for Thursday night and extend my stay.  I had a great time meeting some more new friends and hanging with them, but the band was more mellow the second night and I didn't dance much.

The stage is a trailer, with fold down walls, the roof is covered in solar panels, there are a dozen Lithium batteries and after the band had played for over an hour, it was announced that the batteries were still at 95% capacity. 

Friday morning I headed out of town, east and then south. It was a cool morning and as I passed through Saratoga, WY, I decided to stop and take advantage of the town's free, mineral hot springs. After a long soak, shower and lunch I continued south to Delany Butte Lakes State Wildlife Management Area near Walden, CO. I got a nice, free campsite, next to the lake. That evening, I caught three Rainbow Trout, a 6 inch, a 12 inch and as it was getting dark a very nice 18 inch all while wading in the lake in front of my campsite. Saturday, I drove a few miles to fish the North Platte River and got two very nice 12 inch Rainbows. Sunday fishing in the lake was slow, but I did manage to catch one 18 inch Rainbow and it put up a good fight.

                                                                  My campsite
These white Pelicans were my neighbors, as well as Canada Geese, deer and various waterfowl.

Today, Monday, I headed to Silverthorne, CO for routine LOF service on the truck and I should be back at CORA for dinner. Yesterday, Tim, my hot tub guy, texted me to tell me that he was finally able to fix my tub. YAHOO!!!!

I also posted a fly fishing video a few days ago, which you may enjoy. 

Tight Lines and safe Travels.

1 comment:

  1. Rockin' in Rock Springs! Woo hoo! Sounds like it was a good time, Larry. Great video - I might have fished places like that, but wonder how many hours of filming to net that many fish??!! Certainly more action than I've seen!!! So besides your own hot tub, what's the next adventure? We're just back from a week in Maine, about an hour north of Acadia. Fun week camping with friends - weather and tides against us - only got the kayak in for 1 afternoon, and 1 afternoon fly casting from a rocky point until the tide took all my water away... Salt water bugs are bigger and heavier than what I usually toss, so not as smooth with them. No fish to show for the effort, either!


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