Tuesday, July 6, 2021

uly 1, 2021- Off to do the Idaho Backcountry Discovery Route.Part 1

There is zero coverage in the ID mts.

I had planned to leave yesterday, June 30th, but the universe had other intentions, but very good intentions. As I was calling it a night on 6/29/21, my phone acknowledged an email. It was from my Real Estate agent, informing me I had a full price, cash offer on my spare lot at CORA. So rather than departing on my vacation, I stuck around to sign papers, woohoo!!!! The buyers had zero contingencies, including accepting my delayed closing until after 8/15/21. It really couldn’t have worked out better. It will be sad to give up the extra lot, but I can’t pass up the huge influx of cash.

I also had to wait for my mail forwarding to arrive via FedEx 3 day express, which was shipped on 6/23. Long story, but it took a tour of Colorado and went to Memphis twice. It didn’t arrive until after I left on 7/1 at 4:30pm.  I’m not a genius, but that is more than 3 days. Needless to say, I am boycotting FedEx for the rest of my life. My good buddy at CORA, Mark, picked it up for me.

Thursday morning, 7/1, I headed north to get on I-70 west, and headed to Dinosaur National Park, mostly to check it out, camp for the night and do a quick hike Friday morning before heading to Idaho. Getting a campsite was not a problem. The park is huge, with two entrances 22 miles apart. I stopped at the first one in CO, talked to the ranger and will definitely be back. I didn’t stay the night there because the campground was a 30 minute paved road then a long overland route, approximately another hour over a rough road to the campground. Normally, this would be right up my alley, but I still have a long way to go before I reach my IDBDR starting point in Pine, ID. This could be a great fall trip, cooler temperatures and I’d make it the destination, rather than just a stop.

Friday, I got up early and did the Fossil Discovery Trail, short 2.4 mile hike round trip it leads to the Fossil Wall Gallery. The shuttle from the visitor center starts at 8am, I started hiking at 7 am and figured I would get the hike done while it was cool, view the bones and be on the road by 8:30 am. Nowhere, did it mention that the Gallery wall was in a building, which doesn’t open until 8am. I arrived, along with a couple at 7:30 am and hung out until staff arrived at 8:00. We had the whole place to ourselves. 

Actual dino bones on the wall

Bronze Cast of a removed skeleton

Actual dino bone you can touch

I hiked back to the parking lot and was on the road my 9:30 am. 525 miles later, I arrived in Pine, ID at 7pm, found a great campsite over looking a half empty reservoir. The shore was packed with campers and ATVs. I had the bluff to myself, dust and generator free.

Sat, 7/3, I went into Pine, topped off the gas tank at $3.99/ gal and headed out on the IDBDR. The first 14 miles were paved, HWY 114, then I got on Forest Road (FS) 172. FS 172 was in great shape and I quickly arrived at my first junction. I was supposed to Take FS 129 north, but was greeted by this sign

At least the sign was there and I didn’t have to drive the 15 mies to the gate and then turn around. I had debated whether to begin the trail in Pine or Lowman. This was the universe deciding for me. So Saturday I took the long scenic drive to the eastern side of the Sawtooth Mountains and stopped at a dispersed campsite just west of Stanley, ID. It puts me in easy striking distance of Lowman and the IDBDR.

This trip is all about seeing Idaho. Today it wasn’t from the IDBDR, but the drive was still very pretty. The eastern side of the Sawtooths, remind be of Summit County in Colorado, albeit, less developed and less people, but give it time. The western side between I-80 and Pine is much less developed. This is all new terrain for me, so I’m still having a great time and if all goes according to plan, I’ll be on the IDBDR on Sunday.

Tight lines & safe travels 



  1. Thanks for the scoop on Dinosaur! We're going to check it out after we leave Lake City. Looks like your adventure is off to an excellent start!!!

  2. We loved the dinosaur National Park. After visiting we got stuck in snow in the mountains heading east to Virginia. Enjoy!


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